Tuesday, January 8, 2013


...is shaping up to kick my butt. Here I am, at almost one in the morning, realizing I need to be up at eight and off to a class I didn't even realize I wanted to crash until two hours ago, and also realizing that it and another class I kinda need to take are going to conflict, while also fretting about pitching a novel and getting the rest of the glassware down the stairs to the lab it belongs in and telling the esteemed professor it belongs to that I cracked one of his beakers, and finding housemates and also keeping some sort of a social life. Also Genetics assigns problem sets and I can't find my good calculator. I have a perfectly adequate one but I miss my nice shiny black one with all the buttons, even if I don't know what half of them do. And I can't do a bit of good about any of these things at almost one in the morning but that's not gonna stop me from fretting!

Oh well! At least life's interesting, and I don't have to worry about the urchins.



I'm going to start on that early. No sense in procrastinating.

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