Sunday, April 29, 2012


I was coming back from class one day when I found this on the lagoon lawn. 

It was a surprise, as I'd been off campus since about seven that morning and had only noted a very large truck parked in the area. I make a habit of ignoring most of the emails from the office of student affairs, as there are only so many times you can be alerted about fraternity fundraisers, rap concerts and beach cleanups before it gets old. Especially if you're carrying a heavy schedule. 

I was also puzzled. I had not the foggiest clue what this thing was. It looked like one of the exhibits for the county fair had gotten lost and decided to set up anyway. Much puzzled, I asked one of my friends. 

It turned out that the strange spaceship thing was the Mirazozo Iuminarium, a traveling piece of art. And bizarre as it was, the outside was not the point. It was the inside. The silver parts of the structure were opaque, and the only light inside came from translucent, colored strips of plastic. 

My friend scolded me and dragged me off to have a tour of the thing, ignoring my protests of homework.

We spent about half an hour inside. They encourage taking pictures of the structure, so we did just that. 

It was a good thing we went when we did. The next couple of days, the line was three hours long.

In the end, I think it was one of the most successful de-stressing events our student government ever put on. But it's unlikely that I'm going to repent and reform my email-ignoring habits. There's too much of it.

(All photos courtesy of the aforementioned friend, who shall here remain anonymous.)

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